Thursday, February 19, 2009

Shelf Reliance Cansolidator Pantry GIVEAWAY!!!

The kind people at Shelf Reliance asked me if I would like to do a review of their "Cansolidator Pantry". Of course I said, "Yes!" It arrived today and I eagerly opened the box and began assembling the contents. Coolio!!!

It is very well made -- nice, sturdy parts. The instructions are very clear and easy to understand.

Everything snapped together within minutes (because I was taking pictures, too.) And I'll tell ya, it was pretty fun to roll those cans into place!
What a great idea and very FUNctional! :) THANKS Shelf Reliance!!!


This just became more FUN because the generous people at Shelf Reliance have offered to sponsor a giveaway. They will ship a "Cansolidator Pantry" to the lucky winner!

If you'd like a chance to win a "Cansolidator Pantry", please leave a comment on this post answering the following question:

What would YOU like to store in a "Cansolidator Pantry?"

This contest ends midnight MST, Monday, February 23, 2009. (One entry per person, please.) I'll use to determine a winner and post the information sometime the following day.

On your mark...get set...go!


Anonymous said...

I'd like to store cans of soup in a Cansolidator Pantry. I might even like to do that in my overhead bin at in my cube at work, 'cause that would be mighty cool.

Anonymous said...

Oh, what a wonderful giveaway!

I would like a place to store my canned butter and cheese. They are rather odd sized cans and don't fit particularly well with my other canned items. The Cansolidator would be perfect!

Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

What would I store in a Cansolidator Pantry? Easy! It looks like it would hold quite a few Vienna Sausages and plenty of Campbell's 'Bean & Bacon' soup. Throw in a few cans of Ro-Tel "Diced Tomatoes and Green Chiles', some crushed pineapple and evaporated milk, and that just about covers the canned contents of my pantry.

Anonymous said...

Wow!! Thanks for the opportunity to win such a great prize!! I am just starting my food storage, so there are MANY things I can think of that I would like to store in the Consolidator Pantry. I would like to store my cans of pasta sauce, canned fruit and vegetables, cans of beans, tuna, the list goes on and on!

Dana said...

Everything! Soup, fruit, veggies, spaghetti sauce, beans, tomatoes (is that a fruit or a veggie?), and every other canned item we have! It would surely save a lot of space and help us to be better prepared.


Anonymous said...

What would I store in the Cansolidator? Since there are 2 of us we have lots of different kinds of fruits & veggies in #2 cans that really only stack 2 high nicely. It would be great to be able to store them more safely. Thanks for the chance to win. Bellen

Lynn said...

YAY! What fun! Good luck to everyone entering.
I would store all my pizza sauce, tomato sauce, tomato paste, and or spaghetti sauce. No...we are not Italian....but we SURE love Italian food. : D We use SO much of canned tomatoes something or other.
The Cansolidator Pantry would help SO much to keep things rotated date wise. Thanks!

Tonya said...

I would absolutely store all my canned veggies:)I have been wanting one of these ever since I saw them.Hubby will get me 1 or 2 soon,provided I don't win 1 first;)

Megan said...

I want to store tuna in them b/c I've seen that they are adjustable. Better than having a tower of tuna coming crashing down on top of you when you open the cupboard door!

Anonymous said...

I'd love to stock it with #10 cans of oats and milk and rice. Plus I'd find room for soups and tuna and whatever else I could fit. I want one of these sooooooooooooooo bad!

Anonymous said...

Wow a chance to win one..great. What would I store my cans of tuna and salmon and of course soup, veggies and fruit. Maybe I need to buy some.

Anonymous said...

I would use the cansolidator to store my cream of mushroom soup, evaporated milk, corn, and kidney bean cans.

These are the ones I seem to use the most, and it is such a drag to have to move cases of 12 cans, shuffle the cans in the case so that I can put the replacements to the back, and replace the cases in the pile. It would be a blessing to just put the new cans in the top and have them roll on down!

Anonymous said...

These are great! I have stacks and stacks of soup cans that need a good home. Thanks for the contest!

Anonymous said...

I think I would definitely store different cans of soup...cream soups, chicken noodle, tomato, etc. With a family of 6 I am always looking for ways to consolidate and organize. Thanks for the chance to win!

silverhartgirl said...

I would store my fruits, veggies and soup. This looks so convenient and useful.

Anonymous said...

Well, I have a lot of spag sauce & evap milk (this is relative, of course, as I am single!!). So I would use it to encourage myself to purchase more canned veggies & fruit. Would jars of spag sauce store sideways??

Thanks for the question(s) and the great info.

Anonymous said...

I would store cans of vegetables. Or soup (even tho I have been making my own lately). They would be a great help in knowing what is on those shelves (especially for us vertically challenged people).


Anonymous said...

I would store all my canned goods that are in danger of falling over every time I reach in back to rotate the oldest stuff forward. Beans, meat, fruit, soup-everything!

mishbloom said...

Hmmm...I think the question isn't what COULD I store in it... The question is what COULDN'T I store in it. *sigh of bliss* As OCD as I can be, I see rows and rows of perfectly straight and uniform cans--everything from bean sprouts and baby corn (on the Asian food shelf) to refried beans and enchilada sauce (on the Mexican food shelf) to sauerkraut and spaghetti sauce (on the regular shelf--Hey, we're German/Italians, what do you expect??).

Now if I could just find room for a couple more shelves.... *wink*

Ellen said...

I'd use it to store our canned tomato sauce. I stocked up when Muir Glen was free with coupons and I could really use this!

Anonymous said...

I would finally have order in my small pantry. I never know what's in there, just as I get it in order, my kids get things and never put them back in the right place,so I waste a lot of time looking for things. This would definitely solve many problems for me! Thanks for the chance to win something ever so useful! Lorie

Anonymous said...

If I were lucky enough to win a consolidator, I would put soups, beans, and veggies in it. I would probably get so excited that I'd go buy more cans just to put in there!

Melissa Sharp

Anonymous said...

This would be so helpful to win!
For me I would store one basic food storage item. For example if I wanted to focus just on storing corn, I'd fill it up 3 or 4x's over with just corn, accumulating the amount I needed for my family. I think this is any easy way of keeping track of the number of cans you buy. After that I then would put x number of cans away (in this case the corn) in it's own place I would then start all over designating another item from my food storage inventory list until I reach that amount for that particular item. Hope that makes sense?


mentalutopia said...

I would store canned tomatoes. I'm too lazy to write the purchase date on them so I have several cases but I don't know which are the newest!

Karyn said...

I would store my canned goods in a more organized manner so that I wouldn't keep buying the same can of beans over and over until I am now stuck with 10....yes, 10 cans of baked beans...and you can only eat so many dinners of beanie franks before your teen sons cry at the site of them :) LOL
Thanks for the contest!

Anonymous said...

I would store all the canned goods I bought back in September when the stock market first took its huge dive.

Valli said...

We would finally organize all of our beans and soups. While no longer having to guess at which one was the oldest.

BigM said...

Me? I would put my canned veggies that are currently stacked shakily on my shelves right now. Hey, maybe I could even get a few more at a time if I don't have to worry about them smashing my toes!!


Anonymous said...

I would love to win the cansolidator to organize all of my canned goods (let's be honest, it mostly consists of tomatoes, corn, and cream soups). I don't have a lot of space so this would be awesome!


Anonymous said...

Wow--we need this bad! We have tiny cupboards and we have a hard time finding exactly what we're looking for in there. Cream of mushroom and chicken soups, veggie and chicken broths, those yummy diced tomatoes with flavors, and maybe even a couple of cans of corn and green beans would find their way into our Cansolidator. I hope we win!


Stephanie in AR said...

I would store all the smaller odd sized cans that keep things from being nice and neat: tomato paste, condensed milk, spices, mandrian oranges. Anything not vegetable can sized.

Valerie said...

I would like to store all my tomato sauce and veggies since those are what I use the most often. Besides, who doesn't like free stuff, especially something as useful and organizational as this?

homesteph said...

What a neat storage tool, and what a generous drawing prize! I would definitely use this to rotate my cans of coconut milk and pumkin puree.

Poulsen Family said...

What I wouldn't like to store in the cansolidator!! I have such a hard time digging through my pantry trying to find the "one" I need pushing the others aside and some falling on my toes..ouch! What a handy way of storing the much used basics!

mcjenn said...

I am starting to organize my cupboards and storage room to get more organized and prepared. I would love it to put my unorganized cans and then I can see what I really have and get a thrill of seeing a clean, organized space.
Thanks K for all your work.

KT said...

I found your site from Safely Gathered In. It looks so helpful - thanks!

If I were to win, I would store beans and tomatoes and probably a few cans of bean and bacon soup! Thanks for the opportunity.

Ang said...

I'd love this for my canned fruits and veggies!

Unknown said...

If I got the "Cansolidator Pantry" I would store what canned goods I have and it would motivate me to save more.

Susan said...

I would store canned soup - I can't keep track of dates and I always forget to mark them!

Lisa L. said...

I would use it to store my canned veggies and soups! I just found your website and I am so excited to read more of your posts!!

Stacy said...

I would definitely store my many cans of pork 'n beans and chili. I want one of these!


MommaofMany said...

I use tomato sauce and diced tomatoes and canned pumpkin. I'd be so happy to win one!

Megan G said...

I would definitely store my canned vegetables and fruit!

Anonymous said... the form of food for family and friends. Kinda sappy, eh? Yet the first thing that came to mind since I’m new to preparedness. I see jars of peanut butter, and cans of salmon, tuna, green beans, corn, peas, pineapple and peaches...A fine contest, Thanks!


nichole said...

I would love to store my cans of cream soup and canned veggies in a Cansolidator Pantry!!!

Dave said...

Hmm... I'd store my baked beans and little sausages in an orderly fashion for once.

Deja said...

I'd store my 15 cans of pumpkin, 8 cans of pineapple, and little cans of evaporated milk!

Anonymous said...

This would be so fun. I love organizational things! Most of our canned goods consist of black beans, tomatoes, evaporated milk, and random fruits. Our cupboard is so full so this would be really nice. I'd actually see what we have!

Jenn B.

Joanna said...

I'd store vegetables! I have canned meat, but since I started in the winter, I have no canned veggies. So all my veggies are tinned.

~~Deby said...

If I received this, it would help my pantry be so much more efficient or organized...would probably keep veggies in it...
great giveawat
yesipray at gmail dot com

Jenetta Penner said...

ha- I would store cans :)

cans of what ever I bought that week- soup, veggies..

mail at jenetta dot com


Laurel said...

Oh, to be more organized. I would store green chiles, canned chicken, and pineapple tidbits. Those smaller cans get lost on my shelves.

Heather said...

I would like to store my canned fruits, tuna, canned soups, and canned veggies!

Shelbee said...

I would use it to store corn, black beans, green beans, and mandarin oranges. All things that I don't like to run out of!!

Our Household said...

I would use it to store 10 cand of cream of mushroom soup, 10 cans of cream of chicken soup, 10 cans of tuna fish, & 10 cans of chicken stock.

Mia said...

i would use it to store all of my canned tomatoes- I have really been wanting one of these!

Anonymous said...

I'd store what little canned food I do have, and maybe buy more to put in it. Just for kicks and giggles.

Or just give it to one of my poor, needy siblings. (Who have much for use for it now than I do!)


Voni said...

I would love to store all the green beans, black beans, kidney beans, soup, ravioli, canned tomatoes, etc.!!

Anonymous said...

I would store my canned soups.

miss h

Diana D said...

I would try to organize the canned vegetables.

Thanks for having the wonderful giveaway.

dianad8008 AT gmail DOT com