Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Dry beans contain from 20-25% protein and are the best source of vegetable protein. They contain appreciable amounts of calcium, iron, niacin, phosphorus, potassium, vitamin B1 and B2. Combined with corn products they form a complete protein. The following dried beans are considered in this listing:
  • black
  • kidney
  • lima
  • garbonzo (chick peas)
  • navy
  • pinto
  • red
  • white
Dry beans are used in all kinds of soups, stews, casseroles and main dishes. When combined with other grains their nutritional value and protein equivalent is greatly increased. Beans, especially mung beans, are excellent for sprouting.

Lentils are an excellent source of protein. They contain approximately 24% protein as well as Vitamin C, Vitamin E, iron, phosphorus and potassium. Lentils are used in soups and stews to increase the nutritional value. They are sprouted and used in salads. Lentils are combined with other grains or beans and formed into loaves and baked as a meat substitute or main dish. They are used in casseroles and can be substituted in any recipe calling for dried beans. To cook lentils before adding to recipes use 3 cups of lentils, cover and simmer 1 hour.

Dried peas or split peas contain 22% protein which is made up of the eight essential amino acids, thus making this legume an excellent addition to a family diet. Dried whole peas can be sprouted until soft and eaten like fresh green peas. Dry peas can also be cooked and used as split peas in all kinds of soup and stews. Split peas also make excellent casseroles or meat substitute main dishes.

(Source: West Jordan Oquirrh Stake "Basically Speaking" Cookbook)

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