Sunday, December 7, 2008

Financial Securtiy: Managing Money in Tough Times

Tonight I found this helpful link from Utah State Cooperative Extension regarding finances entitled "Financial Security: Managing Money in Tough Times" that is definitely worth checking out! They have links to more articles:
  • Accepting Your Feelings
  • Adult Children Moving Home
  • Building an Emergency Fund
  • Controlling Spending
  • Coping With Stress
  • Debt Management in Tough Times
  • Deciding Which Bills to Pay First
  • Doing Things Together as a Family for Less
  • Freeing Up Money from Services
  • Having a Spending Plan is Critical
  • Keep Lines of Communication Open
  • Keeping a Roof Overhead
  • Making Extra Money
  • Making the Most of What You Have
  • Managing Stress
  • Meeting Your Insurance Needs
  • Saving Money at the Gas Pump
  • Sizing Up Your Financial Situation
  • Stretch Your Food Dollar: Keep Food Safe
  • Stretch Your Grocery Dollars
  • Stretching Your Food Dollar
  • Teaching Children Coping Skills
  • Things You Can Do When Money is Short
  • Tips for Teens: How to Contribute to Family Needs During Touch Times
  • What are Your Resources?
  • What is Your Net Worth?
  • When Prices Rise: Living on Your Income
  • Working Teens as Contributors to the Family
(Source: Utah State Cooperative Extension)

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