Tuesday, December 30, 2008

In the News

"News Article Highlights Church's Preparedness for Hard Economic Times"

"SALT LAKE CITY | 29 December 2008 | An Associated Press article that ran this past week highlighted the Church’s system for taking care of its poor and needy. The Church’s welfare operations are well equipped to help those who are unable to meet their basic needs due to lost employment and other challenges. The topic is particularly timely during the current economic downturn.

The article states, in part:

"Mormons may be among the country's best prepared to weather the current economic hard times. Since the Great Depression, church leaders have preached a doctrine of self-reliance and selflessness, calling on members to plan for their own future while tending to the needs of others."

In September the Church posted a comprehensive package on Newsroom that explains the Church’s welfare operations. The package includes photos, video and audio that will be helpful to journalists, bloggers and others interested in the Church welfare program."

(Source: Public Affairs - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, www.newsroom.lds.org)

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