Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Tin Can Stoves

I remember making and using one of these for a Girls' Camp many years ago. :) They really work!
"Cut out one end of a #10 gallon can. Cut a door about 3" high and 4" wide on the side of the can at the open end, leaving the top of the door attached. Bend door upward and outward. Then slide the cut-out lid into the closed end of the can, settling it firmly there. Punch 4-5 smoke holes with can opener into the sides from this closed-top end. The double thickness of metal will conduct heat more efficiently.

The source of heat is a "buddy burner" which is made by inserting a coil of tightly folded newspaper, rolled strips of corrugated cardboard, or sawdust -- in a tuna can and soaking with melted paraffin. Each one will burn 1.5 hours. To control or put out the flame, use foil or a wire attached to the tuna-can lid."

(Source: Handout on Emergency Cooking)


  1. I had wondered what a buddy burner was - sounds like a good project for the kids.

  2. The only bad thing about a buddy burner is that they 'soot' up your pot/pan you're using pretty bad. Also depending on what material was used, it could smoke pretty well too.

    You'll also need to make a lid of some sort to cover the burning section so it's not going full tilt if you want to let it 'simmer'.

  3. Great idea. Would be useful in an emergency and when you couldn't use your stove.

  4. If you don't want your pan to soot up, rub the outside of it with dish washing soap first. This will help it come clean when you wash it. At least that's what I remember from 9 years of girl scouts.

    If you like this idea, try making a cardboard aluminum oven and bake cinnamon rolls or whatever you want.

    Between the two, you have an instant stove and oven.

  5. Excellent ideas Laura! Thanks for sharing!
