Monday, March 16, 2009

Real Life -- Living It

Because we can learn so much from each other, Monday's posts will be "Real Life -- Living It" featuring a guest post.

This week's guest post is by Trevor as told to KP. He shares what it was like when his family tried living off their food storage for two weeks. (Thanks for sharing Trevor! You and your family are INSPIRING!)

A dear friend of mine, SheriLynn, decided to take on the challenge of living off their food storage for two weeks. She referred me to her son, Trevor, to see what he thought about it. Here is what I learned:

Trevor told me his mom brought out the wheat grinder - which she does not do very often. She cooked a lot more. He saw her cook some things she hadn't cooked before. I asked him if he liked what she made. Trevor said that it tasted like everything else she cooks. (SheriLynn is an amazing cook by the way!) He added that "in between meals there was nothing there."

In order to make the milk go a little further, his mom mixed regular milk with powdered milk. My son (who loves hanging out at their home) was unaware of their two-week experiment. He tasted the milk and threw it out because he thought it was rotten. (Ooops.) Then he went to the store and bought them a new gallon of milk to replace the milk he had thrown out.

I asked Trevor what he thought about the whole experiment. His reply was, "It wasn't a horrific two weeks."

Way to go guys!!! Thanks for sharing!

(I learned I'm going to have to figure out how to disguise the taste of powdered milk for my family -- at least for my son.)


  1. Besides making sure the reconstituted milk is very cold - overnight in the fridge or with ice cubes - sometimes a little vanilla extract or another flavor like chocolate, will do the trick

  2. LOL!!!! Too funny the incident about the milk.

    SheriLynn sounds like an amazing cook. Way to go Sheri!

  3. Ha ha ha ha ha I love this story.

