Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Growing Potatoes in a Trash Can

Learn how to grow potatoes in a trash can. Love this idea! Thanks Mike C.!

For a printer-friendly version with pictures, click here.


  1. The only caveat is that it should be a METAL trash can. The plastic ones are sometimes treated with pesticides, you don't want that leaching into your soil.
    It could also be done it old tires, when the bloom forms, add another tire and more dirt.

  2. Thanks for your feedback Jeannetta! Great ideas!

  3. I tried this, except I used a plastic 5 gal bucket. As of 4/22/2012 I have small sprouts coming out of the soil. I'm excited. I might even start a couple more buckets to see if I can do carrots, beats or rootabegas (if that's how you spell it).

  4. I've got little spouts coming out of the soil. It looks so easy, I can't believe they're actually growing in my 5 gal bucket.
