Monday, July 13, 2009

Real Life -- Living It

Because we can learn so much from each other, Monday's posts will be "Real Life -- Living It" featuring a guest post.

If men could learn from history, what lessons it might teach us! wrote Samuel Taylor Coleridge in 1831. 1 While it may sound surprising, a look at Church history can teach us about preparedness for our day." An article written by William G. Hartley entitled "Sturdy Shoes and a Waterproof Tent" includes:
"Lessons from Crossing the Plains -

1. When we ignore preparedness counsel, we can expect unhappy consequences.
2. Protect against nature.
3. Be accident cautious.
4. We should protect ourselves from uncaring or dishonest individuals.
5. Protect against discouragement.
6. Be creative and adaptive in difficult times.

Lessons from the Mormon Battalion's March -

1. During a crisis we may need to leave our family to meet community needs.
2. Water-purifying pills or filters are essential.
3. Writing materials and a camera are helpful resources.
4. Bread and other grain materials are important.

Lessons from the Saluda Disaster -

1. When the Spirit cautions us against something, we need to obey.
2. Up-to-date rosters of people are important, and parents need wills that specify who should have their children.

Lessons from the Pioneer Famine of 1856 -

1. In times of dire food shortages, we should be willing to share our personal food storage with others.
2. During times of famine we might choose to fast more often to provide for the needy.
3. When the course of our normal life is disrupted, it helps to fill free time with constructive activities.

Lessons from the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake and Fire -

1. Have sturdy shoes and durable clothing nearby in case of a sudden nighttime emergency, whether at home or away from home.
2. Have fire extinguishers in our homes.
3. Have emergency water on hand in sturdy, non-glass containers.
4. Have minimal cleaning items, such a moist towelettes, toothpaste, deodorant, face towels, and even small bags of detergent.
5. Have emergency food as we have been taught.
6. It is important to have two or three meeting places where family members can find each other in case disaster strikes and the family is scattered.
7. Be prepared to leave cherished belongings.
8. Ignore wild rumors that spread in panics and don't pass them on.

One Final Lesson -

Along with all of the practical lessons history teaches, one more lesson comes through: maintain good attitudes during troubled times. A sense of humor is like salve on a wound."
To read the article in its' entirety, click here.

(Source: William G. Hartley, “Sturdy Shoes and a Waterproof Tent,” Ensign, Oct 2001, 38)

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