Monday, July 27, 2009

Real Life - Living It

Because we can learn so much from each other, Monday's posts will be "Real Life -- Living It" featuring a guest post.

Waste not, want not! Being resourceful can help you save precious dollars that need be spent elsewhere. Bellen shared a great idea in the comment section of yesterday's post for using zucchini. Thanks for sharing Bellen!

"When the zucchini outpaces my recipes and our taste for it, I make "Zucchini Milk". Found this recipe many years ago in a little cookbook from Current Cards.

Peel (or not), seed (or not), cut in chunks and puree in blender or food processor. Freeze in 1 cup (or whatever measure you use most in your recipes). To use, defrost, stir well and use instead of liquid in your muffin/quick bread recipe. Or use as a soup base, add to spaghetti sauce, etc.

If you don't peel, your 'milk' will have a green color but a little more fiber. Usually I don't peel or seed but that's because by the time I'm making 'milk' I just want to get rid of the zucchini as fast as I can."

(Source: Bellen)


  1. If I have to much zucchini, I grate it dump it on trays for the dehydrator, when dry either bag it or put in jars vacuumed sealed, takes up less room than in the freezer. And then there is always what if the power goes off thing.


  2. Great idea Deb! Thanks for sharing!
