Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A Great Life and a Bright Future

Here's a portion of an uplifting article by Elder Paul V. Johnson in the Ensign, January 2011 issue. He talks about how we live in challenging times, yet there have always been challenging times. Sharing examples from his own family and the scriptures, he says, "None of these people allowed the challenges they faced or the conditions of their world to determine the trajectory of their lives."

"There are no better days than these days, because “these are [your] days” (Helaman 7:9). You are here on earth at this time for a reason. You have what it takes. You have skills, knowledge, and natural talents given to you from God. If you live righteously, you will have access to the inspiration and strength you will need to triumph over any challenge you face. You will have the protection of a worthy life; guidance from the Lord through the Holy Ghost and prophets, seers, and revelators; and the power of sacred promises that are yours because you keep your covenants.

Take these things that are yours and have a great life!

The reason I am so confident about your ability to find a bright future in the midst of a challenging world isn’t because I know each of you individually, but because I know that the Lord lives and loves us. He is the real reason each of us has a bright future. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us (see Philippians 4:13). Because we are children of our Heavenly Father and because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, I know our futures are bright."

So take heart--make yours a great life and have a bright future!


  1. Love it! What a great article. Thanks for sharing.

  2. The Ensign has always been a great source of gospel lessons and family home evening lessons. I had forgotten about Elder Johnson's article, after re-reading it, I think it's time for another FHE lesson about challenges and adversity in our lives. Thank you for sharing!

    - MaryAnn
