7 Day Challenge Day 7: Meals-in-a-Jar
3 months ago
"...if ye are prepared, ye shall not fear." --D&C 38:30; food storage; preparedness; recipes; food storage recipes; preparedness tips; be prepared; preparing for the future; peace through preparedness; hundreds of food storage recipes; canning; gardening
"What types of containers can be used with oxygen absorbers for food storage?
Oxygen absorbers should be used with containers that provide an effective barrier against moisture and oxygen. The following containers work well:
• Metal cans with seamed lids.
• Foil pouches (such as those provided by Church home storage centers and available from ldscatalog.org).
• PETE plastic bottles with airtight, screw-on lids.
• Glass canning jars with metal lids that have gaskets.
Oxygen absorbers are not an effective treatment method for plastic buckets, milk bottles, or other types of plastic bottles not identified as PETE or PET under the recycle symbol (see right)."
(Source: http://providentliving.org/pfw/multimedia/files/pfw/pdf/109616_OxygenAbsorbers31_MAR_08_pdf.pdf)
"Prevent Insect Infestations
To prevent insect infestations in bulk foods, keep all stored foods in tight, clean, metal, plastic, or glass insect-proof containers that have tight fitting lids and no open seams or crevices. Store food off the floor and away from damp areas.
Fumigation with Dry Ice Prior to Storage
To fumigate home stored wheat or similar products, spread about 2 ounces of crushed dry ice on 3 or 4 inches of grain in the bottom of the container, then add the remaining grain to the can until it is at the desired depth. If fumigating large quantities use 14 ounces for 100 pounds of grain or 1 pound of dry ice for each 30 gallons of stored grain. At approximately 75 cents a pound for dry ice the cost of fumigating is reasonable.
Since the fumes from vaporizing dry ice are heavier than air, they should readily replace the existing air in the container. Allow sufficient time for the dry ice to evaporate (vaporize) before placing the lid on all the way (approximately 30 minutes). The lid should not be made tight until the dry ice has pretty well vaporized and has replaced the regular air. Then it can be placed firmly on the container and sealed.
Should pressure cause bulging of the can after the lid has been put in place, remove the lid cautiously for a few minutes and then replace it. If using plastic bags in the can, don’t seal the bags until the dry ice has vaporized. Carbon dioxide will stay in the container for some time, provided the container lid is tight. When practical, follow the above procedure in a dry atmosphere to reduce the condensation of moisture in the bottom of the can.
Dry ice tends to control most adult and larval insects present, but probably will not destroy all the eggs or pupae. If a tight fitting lid is placed firmly on the container after the dry ice has vaporized, it may keep enough carbon dioxide inside to destroy some of the eggs and pupae. After 2 to 3 weeks another fumigation with dry ice may be desirable to destroy adult insects which have matured from the surviving eggs and pupae.
If properly done, these two treatments should suffice. Yearly treatments are not indicated unless an infestation is recognized."
(Source: http://extension.usu.edu/files/publications/publication/FN_502.pdf, pg. 12)
One recipe will give you 70 tablespoons(Source: Jackie J. and Brenda F.)
1 bar Fels-Naptha soap (finely grated)
1 cup Washing Soda
1 cup Borax
1/4 cup powder Oxyclean (optional)
*Mix well and store in an airtight plastic zip-lock bag
*Use 2 tablespoons per large load
or 1 tablespoons per small load
*Dilute in warm water if you prefer liquid formWHERE TO FIND INGREDIENTS:
Fels-Naptha Laundry Soap Bar: Made by the Dial Soap Company, so any store that carries Dial should be able to get it for you.
Super Washing Soda: Can be found in the laundry detergent aisle of your supermarket. It comes in a 55-ounce yellow box. Baking soda cannot be used in place of washing soda. They are completely different products, although both are made by Arm & Hammer.
Borax: One brand name is 20 Mule Team Borax. It is also found in the laundry detergent aisle.
When our home was bustling with teenagers and pre-teens (about eight years ago) and there were many demands on our money, we decided it was a good time to "show and tell" them where the money goes. We gathered our family together for a Family Home Evening and presented them a "hands-on" financial management course.
My husband obtained enough one dollar bills to equal one-month's salary (which task was more of a challenge than we had first thought.) On a poster board I wrote down our financial obligations and offerings for one month. (We had to figure out our income and expenses for the whole year and divide that by twelve in order to get a realistic idea of a one-month budget.) Our list included:GROSS INCOME: (never could figure out why they call it "gross" income before taxes are taken out. To me it would make more sense to call "net" income "gross" because it's just gross to see so much taken out of your salary.)By the time we got to the "Other" category, there were just a few dollars left. Everyone was silent for a brief moment as we looked at the piles. REALITY CHECK! Whoever said, "a picture is worth a thousand words" was right.
Taxes - Federal and State, Social Security
Tithes and Offerings (first and always - everything else somehow works out)
Insurance - auto, health, home and life
Mortgage - plus extra put towards early payoff
Auto - car payment, oil changes, new tires, etc.
School expenses - fees, books, clubs, drivers ed, etc.
Lessons - music, sports, etc.
We explained that there are some categories we don't have much control over such as taxes, mortgage, and insurance. There are categories we do have a little more control over -- such as electricity, natural gas, and water -- by using less, turning off lights when not in use, having shorter showers, etc. Food and clothing are other areas where we can save money...which led to another discussion..."needs" versus "wants". We also set family goals and talked about ways to achieve them.
That night was one of many geared towards teaching principles of financial management. It was an "eye-opening" experience for each of us and one that we'll remember. There was more understanding when requests were made and we worked together as a family to save where we could.
I've also heard of people using "Monopoly" money to teach this concept to their family. The ways to teach the principles of financial management are varied. Use whatever method(s) that will work best for you. The important thing is to take time to TEACH family members...the dividends will be priceless!
- Laurel said...
I would love to own a copy of her book. Thanks for all your info!
March 18, 2009 8:53 PM
A dear friend of mine, SheriLynn, decided to take on the challenge of living off their food storage for two weeks. She referred me to her son, Trevor, to see what he thought about it. Here is what I learned:
Trevor told me his mom brought out the wheat grinder - which she does not do very often. She cooked a lot more. He saw her cook some things she hadn't cooked before. I asked him if he liked what she made. Trevor said that it tasted like everything else she cooks. (SheriLynn is an amazing cook by the way!) He added that "in between meals there was nothing there."
In order to make the milk go a little further, his mom mixed regular milk with powdered milk. My son (who loves hanging out at their home) was unaware of their two-week experiment. He tasted the milk and threw it out because he thought it was rotten. (Ooops.) Then he went to the store and bought them a new gallon of milk to replace the milk he had thrown out.
I asked Trevor what he thought about the whole experiment. His reply was, "It wasn't a horrific two weeks."
"I know not by what methods rare
But this I know, God answers prayer.
I know that He has given His Word,
Which tells me prayer is always heard,
And will be answered, soon or late.
And so I pray and calmly wait.
I know not if the blessing sought
Will come in just the way I thought;
But leave my prayers with Him alone,
Whose will is wiser than my own,
Assured that He will grant my quest,
Or send some answer far more blest."
--Eliza M. Hickok
"Lately I've been trying to look at the bigger picture, to discover what I'm supposed to learn from all this. I'm sure I have much growth yet to experience, but I've gleaned a few insights. Probably the most important truth is that my security must be in God rather than in anything or anyone in this world.
"Think about it: the World Trade Center represented economic power, success, and security, yet it was shaken and destroyed in one hour or less. The Pentagon is the symbol of our nation's military might, yet it, too, proved vulnerable. Where can we find true security in these days?
"The men and women in the Trade Center towers, the Pentagon, and aboard the four hijacked planes were some of the best our nation had to offer. They were the picture of intelligence, energy, and power. Yet their best wasn't good enough to keep the enemy from attacking, maiming, and killing several thousand people.
"But I have found safety and security in a loving heavenly Father, who cannot be shaken, who will never leave me or forsake me, and in whom I can trust completely. For those looking for hope, I recommend grabbing the hand of your heavenly Father as tightly as possible, like a little child does with his parent. God is a hero who will always be there when you need him."--Lisa Beamer, "Let's Roll! Ordinary People, Extraordinary Courage," pgs. 300-301
"I’ve been meaning to post this for some time. My darling sister Donna asked me to provide a little article for their ward’s preparedness blog. This is my attempt to do that. If you are a member of her ward, Welcome. I hope you find this helpful. If you are someone who survived the events of Ike and think I missed something or want to give me an amen, please comment. If you are entirely uninterested in this post, feel free to skip it. It is, actually, a bit long. So were the after affects of the hurricane.
1. Everything they say is true to be prepared. Study the churches provident living website and do as you are instructed. It ‘s all there.
2. Invest in a generator. It made surviving bearable. We ran our fridge, a/c, washer/dryer, tv, and computers thanks to the generator. It would actually even be worth having two. We couldn’t run everything at the same time.
3. A chainsaw comes in handy. Oddly enough.
4. Practice living “Old School.” Go without electricity for a day or heat or a/c and see what things you can do to survive.
5. Crisis invites missionary opportunities. Be prepared to share your stash and the gospel.
6. The luxuries of life will no doubt be missed. Learn to live without them and be happy {emphasis on be happy}. After two weeks of “hurricane hair” I was not happy. I need to learn to be.
7. Treat each situation as unique. We sailed through Rita and thus underestimated Ike b/c we thought it would be the same story. It wasn’t. I evacuated for Rita and didn’t need to. I wish I would have evacuated earlier for Ike {thanks Donna!}
8. We had a dial tone phone on hand that didn’t depend on electricity to work. Our cordless phone went dead almost immediately. Keep one of those at the ready. Our phone service was hit and miss but an “Old School” phone made it possible for us to receive calls and dial out when we had service. Also text messages would often make it out while cell calls did not.
9. Gas will be overpriced and difficult to get a hold of.
10. ATMs and credit card machines will be down and you will need cash. That is why you keep some on hand.
11. I could have used a recipe book that was filled with ideas on meals to prepare using only what was in my pantry and could be cooked on our gas stove...the oven was unavailable for two weeks. I wish I had been happy-spirited enough to try cooking in a solar oven...maybe this summer. Also, we had no dutch ovens on hand or charcoal. We did use our grill a few times. Note to self...get a cook book with recipes for dutch ovens and purchase dutch ovens.
12. You will have a built-in network b/c of the church. It is amazing to see it in action. Be prepared to support it {i.e know your vt and ht families and check in with them frequently}.
13. Ham radio operators were in demand and seemed to have access to lots of information. Be friends with someone who knows how to operate one and is involved in the “hro” community.
14. Have all of your “official” papers in a place where you can retrieve them easily and quickly...and be familiar with the terms and conditions of your insurance policy.
15. Follow all the safety recommendations for the natural disasters predicted in your area {i.e. earthquake, tornado, hurricane, flood, etc}
Just two anecdotal stories and a final word...
When the whole of Galveston flooded and much of the city was destroyed the church house did not. Houses across the street had flood lines past the 6 foot mark. Though built on slightly raised ground the church building was not built on ground 6 feet higher than the neighboring houses. Miraculous.
In one neighborhood {the one of my former visiting teacher’s daughter} a fundamental Christian group marched up and down the street holding candles stopping at each house to pray. Maybe they stopped at her house and prayed. Maybe they didn't. But they didn't invite her to join them. She and her small children went to her mother’s house to ride out the storm. After Ike when she returned to survey the damage to her home she noted that each home along her street had trees down and many had received damage to their roofs and structures. Many of these were homes that had been prayed over. She braced for the worse. Of course, you guessed it...her home had no damage whatsoever. She rolled up her sleeves and went to work helping her neighbors recover.
But not every good and righteous family was passed over. There were many amazing members whose homes were damaged b/c of the hurricane. The storm was no respecter but the good news is that the families hit by this tragedy had an immediate infrastructure to help them through it. And the opportunities to serve? Endless.
Be prepared. Be prepared to help others and to be helped by others.
What did I miss? Please feel free to comment."
I have enjoyed going through your preparedness web site. Good job!
On your page regarding using dried beans for fat replacement ( http://preparednessnibblesandbits. ) may I suggest that you add the following:blogspot.com/search/label/ White%20Beans%20Replace%20Fat% 20in%20Most%20Baking
After grinding beans in a stone wheat grinder the beans will tend to gum up' the stones. Grinding a cup of dried corn after grinding beans will de-glaze the stones. This is not as much of a problem in a steel grinder, but the corn will still be effective in cleaning the grinding surfaces.
Also, it may not be clear to inexperienced that you are suggesting to grind DRIED beans.
Bean flour can also be added to waffles, pancakes, cookies, bread and most other baked goods to increase the protein content; adding beans to recipes containing grains turns the proteins into complete proteins.
"When challenges and testing do come, your faith will lead you to solutions. Your peace of mind, your assurance of answers to vexing problems, your ultimate joy depend upon your trust in Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. Right will ultimately prevail. It will yield blessings now as you in faith obey the commandments of God. Remember an unfailing, continual, ever-present source of peace and comfort is available to you. It is the certainty that your Father in Heaven loves you no matter what your circumstance, no matter what winds of trial, turmoil, or tribulation whirl about you. That certainty will never change. Your ability to access that support depends on the strength of your faith in Him and in His certain willingness to bless you."Richard G. Scott, “The Sustaining Power of Faith in Times of Uncertainty and Testing,” Ensign, May 2003, 75