Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, too!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Neighborhood Christmas Food Drive in Lieu of Neighbor Gifts

This year our neighborhood is trying something different...and fun. Love it!!!

Dear Friends and Neighbors

At Christmas time we like to give
to friends and neighbors dear,
but maybe we could think of those
less fortunate this year.

Instead of giving neighbor gifts
we'll fill the Food Bank's shelves. ...
Let's warm the hearts of those in need
like Santa's little elves.

As friends we'll join together
and bring food in cans galore,
non-perishables are very best
because of how they store.

Monday Night, December ____
will be the time we meet,
from 6 - 7:30
it's cocoa, donuts & heat.

is where we're going to be.
Dress up warm, we'll be outside
and bring the family.

But if you cannot make it -
no big deal, you see,
we'll still be glad to take your food
to the Food Bank charity!

Just drop it off on __________'s porch
or _____________'s will do,
up to a week beyond the date -
Merry Christmas to YOU!!!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 23, 2009

The Rest of the Story...

Perhaps you remember Lynn Crapo who did a guest post earlier this year. She sent me an email a few days ago and updated me on her situation. I requested her permission to share it on this blog so that other readers may be uplifted by her faith and ability to count her blessings. Thanks again for sharing Lynn! You are INSPIRING! We'll keep you and your family in our prayers.

Hi there.

I am sure you remember the guest post I did for you back in Feb. of this year.

Life has been fast paced and hectic since then and I almost forgot about it (the post and our no spend month) until just today.

My husband DID actually lose his job. A little earlier than we expected. He went to work one day back in August and was surprised to find that the entire department had been laid off..........just like that. No warning. The whole place was in a shock. They actually took all the employees jobs from that department and gave them to a company in the Philippines to do for them. It was kind of we have MANY members of our ward from the Philippines over here searching for work. They are taking any job they can to provide for their families they left behind. It's so sad. And now my husband and many others have lost their jobs to those who are there. It's so strange.

Anyway.....I just wanted to update you, as you had always asked how we were doing and were so kind with your comments.

I wanted to let you know how blessed I feel. I know. I bet you weren't expecting that.

But I do.

My dad (64 years young) just had a heart attack last Thursday. My mom has been with him every day in the hospital. She is plum worn out. But she made the drive up here (2 hours) to pick up my brother from the airport with our help, (flew in from England) to go and surprise my dad with a visit. We are so excited and can't wait to hear how that surprise went.

You brother, Mike who just came over here, is a Bishop there in his ward. Earlier this year he suffered a brain infection and went crazy. He almost lost his life. It was a horrible and scary time for the entire ward, and his wife and kids. And of course the rest of us here, feeling helpless so many miles away. But my dad and my mom did what they could to get over there to say their good byes. The doctors didn't know if he would make it.

But he did. With my dad's love and help. (And of course a priesthood blessing and loads of people praying for him.) He has come SO far in his physiotherapy. My brother had to "show" his brain how to read and write all over again.

Now here he is.....returning the "favor" for my dad. : D I can't wait to hear how that meeting went. My dad is not eating these days, as it's too hard on his heart to do anything since the attack.

However, with prayers and a blessing, my dad is also receiving a miracle. You see......his heart is creating it's only blood vessels around the area that is 100% blocked. These little tiny blood vessels that are new are working like mad to grow and mature and pump his blood for all it's worth.

I feel SO blessed.

Now for one more thought on being blessed.......

I just remembered my post for your blog tonight...........when my mom and brother and my brother in law who drove my mom up to the airport........... came over for a hot meal (it's SO cold these days) before I sent them on their way back home (2 hours drive again). I felt blessed when I realized that all I had to do was to go down to our basement and get what I needed from our food storage. IT was all there. No worries for things needed to feed others.


I have faith that things will work out. It's been 4 months now that my husband was laid off........but things will get better. We know it.

I just had to share this with you.

Thanks again for all you do.

Lynn Crapo

Friday, November 20, 2009

Edible Thanksgiving Favors

If you didn't get a chance to see Alisa Bangerter demonstrate how to make these cute edible Thanksgiving favors on KSL Studio 5, have fun watching it here:

Studio 5 Holiday, Party and Ideas Contributor Alisa Bangerter shares six fun ideas.

Fall Leaf:
Divide homemade or purchased sugar cookie dough into three or four portions. Color each portion a fall color such as red, orange, terra cotta, copper, olive green, yellow, tan, etc. using paste food color. For brown color, use cocoa powder. For each cookie, press together several colors of dough and roll out so the colors mix slightly and the dough has a variegated look. Cut using a leaf shaped cookie cutter. Bake and cool. If desired, use melted chocolate or chocolate icing and a pastry bag with a writing tip to write the name of each guest on a cookie. Place a cookie at each place setting with several candy acorns. Tip: dust cookies with gold luster dust for a beautiful sheen. Luster dust is available at baking supply stores.

Candy Acorn:
Mix together 1 cup of creamy peanut butter, ½ cup of margarine and 3 cups powdered sugar and mix well into a soft dough. Roll a 1" ball of dough into an acorn shape. Dip the top of the dough shape into melted chocolate or almond bark and press into finely chopped nuts to form the acorn cap. Break a stick pretzel in half and insert in top to create acorn stem. Set on was paper until chocolate has set. Display at each place setting with leaf cookie.

Indian Corn:
Create a dry mix of items that would resemble Indian corn with a mixture of fall colors. Use items such as: cold cereal, popcorn, nuts, candies, dried fruits, etc. Take a square (approximately 12" square for a large favor) of cellophane and place approximately 1 cup of mix in the center. Tuck cellophane around mix and fold in back if needed to wrap the mix into an oblong shape. Tie cellophane closed with tan string. Cut cornhusks (available in the Mexican food isle of grocery stores) into long strips with pointed ends. Wrap ends on corn husks around end of mix and tie with string. Wrap ends with a ribbon and tie a bow. Attach a nametag or small photograph if desired and set at each place setting.

Place sugar ice cream cones in a steamer basket over hot water. Let each cone steam for a few minutes which will soften it. Carefully bend end up to form a cornucopia shape. Cone will harden quickly. Fill with a mixture of fruit shaped candies, nuts, pretzels, etc. If desired, place a ribbon around the opening of the cornucopia and attach a tiny name tag to serve as a place card.

Pilgrim Hat:
Dip large marshmallows in melted chocolate or almond bark. Set onto flat round chocolate covered cookies (chocolate covered graham rounds, fudge-striped cookies, chocolate ginger snaps, chocolate wafers, etc.). Let set until chocolate is hardened. Wrap marshmallow "hat brim" with a black ribbon. Using a rolling pin, roll out a yellow Starburst candy and cut into a square to form a "buckle". Attach to ribbon with a tiny amount of melted chocolate or icing.

Dip the bottom of a chocolate crème drop candy into melted chocolate or almond bark. Immediately attach the candy to the bottom of a leaf shaped or round cookie (I used Dare brand maple leaf crème cookies or you can use any round type cookie). Attach a candy corn point down to the top of the crème drop using melted chocolate. Attach a red hot candy to the side of the candy corn to become a "wattle". Adhere a small pretzel under the crème drop to create "feet". (Option: Instead of a crème drop you could also use a chocolate covered cherry, an unwrapped caramel, an unwrapped peanut butter cup or any other chocolate covered candy about 1" in diameter.)

(Source: KSL Studio 5)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Preparing for Holiday Gatherings

I love this time of year with Thanksgiving fast approaching and Christmas just around the corner. Some of my happiest memories include holiday gatherings with family and friends. By planning and preparing now to entertain, we can help "make the season bright" for others as well as ourselves.

In an article entitled "Please Be Seated" by Shari Well, she writes, "People often avoid entertaining because they assume it's too expensive, too time consuming, and possibly outdated. But psychologists tell us that it is important for our mental and emotional health to gather friends at the dinner table and entertain. If you keep entertaining simple and fun, it can become a wonderful family tradition."

Shari shares tips on:
  • Getting Organized for a Party
  • Making Purchasing Decisions
  • "Painting" the Table
  • "Painting" the Plate
  • Desserts
She concludes with, "After working all week, many may not feel like entertaining. Yes, it's a little extra work, but there are many benefits. You have an outlet for creativity, you will form closer friendships and family relationships, and you'll have an opportunity to make new friends. Remember to cook with your heart and record the memories and the recipes for your loved ones."

(Source: Shari Wells, "Please Be Seated", LDS Living Magazine)

For some other fun holiday gathering ideas check out these posts from Skip To My Lou:

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Great Christmas Gift List

Someone has put together a "Great Christmas Gift List" for 72-hour kits at:

Friday, November 13, 2009

One Year Anniversary

I've learned a lot about preparedness and food storage during this past year and hope you have, too. Here are some good reminders from last year's post:

Think about what you are already doing and what you have already in store.
Make an inventory of what you have.
Make a list of what you need.

Decide what you want to work on (ie. three-month supply, drinking water, financial reserve, longer-term supply, 72 hour kit, etc.)
Set reasonable goals (ie. weekly plan, monthly plan)

We can't do everything all at once, but we can do something.
Begin today!

Best wishes in your quest to prepare and enjoy the peace that preparedness brings!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds (Tutorial)

Got pumpkin seeds? We do! This year I decided to try roasting some (never have before.) So I got online and looked at a variety of recipes and kind of came up with one of my own.

As we were carving our pumpkins from our garden Saturday afternoon, I saved about two cups of seeds. I carefully washed and rinsed them in a colander with small holes and let them drain. Then I lined my cookie sheet with a non-stick cooking sheet and spread out the seeds to dry.

One recipe I read recommended letting the seeds air-dry for 24 hours. (My drying time turned into two days.) This step helped make it easier to clean the pumpkin residue from the seeds. Some people prefer the extra pumpkin flavor, so leaving it on is entirely optional.

2 cups pumpkin seeds
2 tablespoons olive oil or vegetable oil
1 teaspoon cinnamon (or 1 teaspoon: cayenne, garlic powder, cumin, curry, any favorite spice)
1 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon ground sea salt

Remove seeds from pumpkin and rinse with water to remove any remaining pulp.

Spread seeds on a cookie sheet and let dry 24 hours.

Heat oven to 350 degrees F.

Mix oil with spices and/or salt and toss mixture with seeds.

Spread coated seeds over a baking sheet.

Bake seeds approximately 25 minutes or until crisp and very lightly browned,

tossing occasionally.

Let cool. Makes 2 cups.

2 cups pumpkin seeds
2 tablespoons olive oil or vegetable oil
1 teaspoon cinnamon (or 1 teaspoon: cayenne, garlic powder, cumin, curry, any favorite spice)
1 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon ground sea salt

Remove seeds from pumpkin and rinse with water to remove any remaining pulp. Spread seeds on a cookie sheet and let dry 24 hours.

Heat oven to 350 degrees F. Mix oil with spices and/or salt and toss mixture with seeds. Spread coated seeds over a baking sheet. Bake seeds approximately 25 minutes or until crisp and very lightly browned, tossing occasionally. Let cool. Makes 2 cups.

Do you have a favorite Pumpkin Seed recipe?

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Twice Blessed - Donating Food Storage

Do you have cans or cases of food nearing expiration? Don't let it go to waste - donate it to a local food bank. Not only will you have had the peace of mind knowing that you had food available on your shelf, but you will also bless others who are now in need.

This would also be a good time to re-evaluate your family's likes and dislikes as you replenish your storage. I over-estimated how much chili my family would eat the last time I purchased an entire case. As the expiration date draws near, I'm making plans to make a donation to my local food bank before it expires. No guilt, no waste - twice blessed.

For information about Utah Food Bank Services, go here.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Pear Freezer Jam Tutorial

If you're canning pears, be sure to set some fresh pears aside to make this delicious jam. (Even if you're not canning pears, go buy some fresh pears and try making it.) It's gotta be my favorite!


4 cups crushed fresh pears

(peel pears and remove seeds before crushing)

1 1/2 cups sugar
1 (1.59 oz.) pkg. Ball Simple Creations No Cook Freezer Jam Fruit Pectin
5 (8 oz.) glass or plastic freezer jars

1. Stir sugar and contents of package in a bowl until well blended.

2. Stir in 4 cups crushed fruit. Stir 3 minutes longer.

3. Ladle jam into clean jars to fill line. Twist on lids. Let stand until thickened, about 30 minutes.

4. Refrigerate for up to 3 weeks, or freeze for up to one year.
Makes 5 (8 oz.) half pints.

Ball has created a demonstration on how to make strawberry freezer jam. You can see it at:

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Principles of Self-Reliance

While going for a walk the other day, I listened to a talk given by Silvia H. Allred entitled, "Principles of Self-Reliance" on my mp3 player. Today I decided to look it up on the internet and found a pdf of her talk. If you'd like to read it in its entirety, click here.

She has personally experienced an unexpected family tragedy as a child, the financial collapse of Argentina in 1989, and "the devastating effects of earthquakes in El Salvador and Chile." She said, "These events have taught me to follow the counsel of our leaders about living the principles of self-reliance."
"There are many other types of adversities we might encounter in the normal course of our lives, such as loss of a job, accidents, divorce, health problems, death, etc. Those who prepare are blessed in the present and will be blessed if adversity comes.

"Family preparedness is a well-established welfare principle, and women are instrumental in family preparedness. We prepare for difficult times. We prepare for the day of scarcity. We put away for emergencies. We save for a rainy day."
Some other highlights from her talk:

Personal and Family Finances -
"The two overriding principles of sound financial management are: first, live within your means, and second: save for a rainy day.

"What does it mean to live within your means, and how do you do it? It simply means to ensure that your expenses are less than your income." ...

"The second principle is to save for a rainy day. Keep in mind that small sums saved regularly, over time, compound into large sums of money. Financial advisors agree that saving at least 10 percent of your income will provide flexibility and security in your future." ...

Home Storage -
"We have been advised to acquire and store a reserve of basic food and water that will sustain our lives during difficult times or in emergencies. By following this counsel, we will help protect ourselves if adversity comes. Through careful planning and faithful efforts, we can gradually store a supply of food according to our circumstances."

"Begin modestly by purchasing a few extra items of food that are part of your normal family diet. You can do it when you do your normal grocery shopping. Take advantage of items that are on sale. Here are just a few other ideas:

• Complete a three-day supply of basic food items and then build your storage to a one-week supply.
• Gradually increase it until you have a one-month supply, two month supply, three-month supply.
• Consider items that will keep and store well, such as wheat, beans, rice and canned goods.
• Concentrate on essentials.
• Create a rotating system to avoid spoilage.
• Water should be stored in leak-proof containers and should be kept away from heat sources.
• Prepare a 72-hour emergency kit for each family member and keep them within easy reach.
• Be prudent. Don’t go to extreme measures to store food. Be obedient and faithful, and God will sustain you through trials."

Physical Health -
"The state of our health affects every facet of our lives: our feeling of well-being, our attitudes, our social interactions and our service to others.

"Habits that contribute to our physical health are:

• Eating nutritious meals.
• Exercising regularly.
• Getting adequate sleep.
• Practicing hygiene and sanitation.
• Avoiding substance abuse."

She concludes with:
"To be self-reliant in all these, we should:

• Assess current circumstances.
• Set realistic goals.
• Identify available resources.
• Make specific plans to reach goals, and follow such plans.

"I know that sound personal and family financial management, home storage, and physical health will be a great blessing to our families. Being self-reliant increases our ability to serve others, to assist the needy, and to give support and understanding to the emotionally-starved. Through righteous living, gospel study, and loving family relationships, we can achieve self–reliance and family preparedness, which will help us solve many of life’s problems." ...

I appreciate her words of wisdom. Thank you Sister Allred!

(Source: Silvia H. Allred, "Principles of Self-Reliance," May 1, 2008)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Free Produce - Everybody Wins!

Sara at The Pantry Panel shares some great ideas on how to preserve fruit that would otherwise go to waste.
"Many yards, especially in older neighborhoods, have fruit trees with fruit that go to waste because it is never picked. Many of us would like to preserve fruit, but either don't have fruit trees, or our fruit trees are too young to bear fruit. Is there a way to make a connection between unwanted fruit and people who want to preserve it? ...
  • Keep your eyes open. Look for fruit trees around town, especially trees that have started to drop ripe fruit. This is a sign that the tree's owner may not be using the fruit.
  • Be prepared. Look trustworthy and well groomed; these people may be trusting you to be in their yard. Bring ladders, gloves, and boxes or buckets.
  • Knock and ask in such a way that they do not feel pressured to say yes. Never steal!
  • Leave the yard cleaner than you found it. It's nice to put overripe fruit into a pile so it's easier for them to clean up after the overripe fruit."
Read the complete post here.

(Source: Sara, The Pantry Panel, "Finding Fruit with April", October 9, 2008)

Thursday, July 30, 2009


Liesa Card, author of "I Dare You to Eat It", has another great idea:

"So here’s the challenge. Beyond chatting about provident living tips and recipes, I invite you, and every single one of you, to please help someone else get started on designing and building their food storage. Just look around. Think about your family, friends, and neighbors. Pray for inspiration and then start offering to assist others in their steps towards preparedness.

And here are the rules:

1. Everything counts. You could take someone to the cannery and just be an extra set of hands. Teach others how to cook with food storage. Or, simply help them purchase their food storage online. Create opportunities and pay it forward.

2. Share your story. Long or short, and everything in between, I hope you’ll TELL your story of action taken and contribute to an endless variety of good ideas. If you think this tell-a-thon idea has merit, please teeeeeeell others and invite them to join us.

3. Don’t get discouraged. I get turned down all the time. If you are sincere about helping, and stay focused, I bet you’ll find success.

Now we have to have a poster child, or two. Meet Luke and Candee.

We’ve only gotten to know each other during the last few months but when we invited them to eat dinner at our house, Candee told us that she wanted to get going on her food storage. (!) We casually offered to help…and desperately hoped that they would give us the chance.

A few weeks went by and then Candee mentioned it to me again. (This almost never happens.) I repeated my original offer and encouraged her to choose the date and time. About a week later, the four of us met at the cannery right after work and knocked out sixteen cases of food storage, 6 for them and 10 for us, in just over one hour. And we had fun! I was so happy for this young couple as they loaded their small car and drove home with 25% of their long-term storage done. I don’t think they have tons of extra money, and I know they don’t have any extra space, but they made it happen. That’s very cool.

A couple of things I learned, again, from this experience with Luke and Candee: Having your own food storage brings peace. That’s wonderful. Helping others with their food storage brings JOY, and that’s even better. I hope you’ll give it a try!

Liesa, out"


Monday, July 27, 2009

Real Life - Living It

Because we can learn so much from each other, Monday's posts will be "Real Life -- Living It" featuring a guest post.

Waste not, want not! Being resourceful can help you save precious dollars that need be spent elsewhere. Bellen shared a great idea in the comment section of yesterday's post for using zucchini. Thanks for sharing Bellen!

"When the zucchini outpaces my recipes and our taste for it, I make "Zucchini Milk". Found this recipe many years ago in a little cookbook from Current Cards.

Peel (or not), seed (or not), cut in chunks and puree in blender or food processor. Freeze in 1 cup (or whatever measure you use most in your recipes). To use, defrost, stir well and use instead of liquid in your muffin/quick bread recipe. Or use as a soup base, add to spaghetti sauce, etc.

If you don't peel, your 'milk' will have a green color but a little more fiber. Usually I don't peel or seed but that's because by the time I'm making 'milk' I just want to get rid of the zucchini as fast as I can."

(Source: Bellen)

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Got Zucchini?


1 cup all-purpose flour
1 cup whole wheat flour
2 1/4 tablespoons dry powdered milk
1 tablespoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
1/2 cup sugar
1 cup shredded zucchini, packed
1 tablespoon lemon zest (optional)
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 egg, lightly beaten
3/4 cup water
1/3 cup raisins OR chocolate chips (optional)
1/4 cup chopped pecans (optional)

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Line a 12-cup muffin pan with paper cases or spray pan with nonstick cooking spray.

In a large bowl, stir together flour, dry powdered milk, baking powder, salt, nutmeg and sugar. In a medium bowl, combine zucchini, lemon zest, canola oil, egg and water, stirring well.

Make a well in the dry ingredients; add zucchini mixture, raisins (or chocolate chips) and pecans. Stir until just moist. Do not over mix. Spoon batter into muffin cups. Bake for 20 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Apricots - Delicious Ways to Preserve Them

Apricots are in season where we live and it has been a good year for them. A dear friend gave me two large boxes of apricots from her tree (thanks Shirley!!!) They're delish!

In order to extend the enjoyment of these lovely apricots, I decided to make Apricot-Pineapple Jam, Apricot Fruit Leather, and Apricot Syrup. Here is my attempt at making the syrup:


2 lbs fresh apricots
1 cup water
2 tbsp lemon juice (fresh or bottled)
4 cups sugar
1 tbsp corn syrup

Pit and chop apricots. In a blender or food processor, puree them with the water.

Put into a large pot with the sugar, lemon juice, and and corn syrup.

Cook and stir over medium heat until it begins to boil.

Boil for 5 minutes, continuing to stir.

Pour into hot, sterilized jars and seal.

Process in a boiling water canner for 5 minutes.
(I processed mine in a Steam Canner for 15 minutes.)

**Please see the Bernardin website for canning instructions

This particular batch made six 8-ounce jars of Apricot Syrup. The seventh jar wasn't quite full so we got to sample the yumminess.

I will definitely be making more!

(Source for Apricot Syrup Recipe: Recipes from the Cookie Jar)

Friday, July 17, 2009

Provident Living Family Home Evening Lesson

Here's a helpful way to teach your family the importance of living providently:

Thursday, July 16, 2009

More Salad Dressing Recipes...

A big THANKS to Lynn and Jill for sharing their recipes!!! Even more yummy ways to save money and eat well...

Lynn's Caesar Salad Dressing

1 garlic Clove
1 Large Egg
1 Tsp. Worcestershire Sauce
2 TBsp. Lemon Juice
1/2 of a small can of Anchovies..... OR 1/2 of a small can of shrimp bits
Dash of Pepper
1 Cup Salad Oil
Put the first 6 ingredients into a blender. Blend on highest speed. Then while it's still blending, pour 1 cup of salad oil in VERY SLOWLY so it incorporates and becomes thick and smooth. This should take less than one minute. Chill for at least 2 hrs.
Mix with Salad greens or bite sized romaine lettuce pieces JUST before serving. Toss with croutons, parmesan cheese, or bacon bits if desired.

Lynn's Maple Syrup and Mustard Dressing

1/4 Cup 100% Maple Syrup (Or you can just use Maple flavored pancake syrup)
2 TBsp. lemon juice
1 tsp. Dijon Mustard
1/4 tsp. Salt
1/4 tsp. Pepper
2 TBsp. oil ( I like to use Virgin Olive Oil - healthy!)
Mix the above ingredients with a wisk. Just before serving, toss with mixed greens, sliced apples, shredded old-aged cheddar cheese and roasted pecans.

Lynn's Greek Salad Dressing

1/2 Cup Salad Oil
1/4 Cup Apple Cider Vinegar
1/4 Cup Chopped Parsley (I use dried from Food storage)
1/2 Tsp. Salt
1/8 Tsp. Pepper
1/8 Tsp. Oregano
1/8 Tsp. Garlic Powder
Wisk together. Toss with Salad greens, diced cucumbers, tomatoes, and whole pitted black olives, if you wish. Sprinkle with Feta Cheese or cubed cream cheese.

Lynn's Cobb Salad Dressing

1/3 Cup Vinegar
1 Tsp. Salt
1/4 Tsp. Pepper
1/2 Tsp. Dry Mustard
1/2 Tsp. White sugar
1/8 Tsp. Garlic Powder
2/3 Cup Salad Oil
1/4 Cup Blue Cheese, crumbled (Optional)
Wisk together. Toss and coat any green salad with this.

These are our most used and favorites at our house! Have used nothing but homemade dressings for years. They just taste better when fresh. : D


This is dressing is wonderful. Not everyone has buttermilk on hand but I usually do for pancakes. Don't know how much cheaper it is.

Love your website! Jill
Bend, OR

Ranch Dressing

½ cup mayonnaise

½ cup buttermilk

½ tsp dried parsley flakes

¼ tsp ground black pepper

¼ tsp salt

1/8 tsp garlic powder

1/8 tsp onion powder

1 pinch dried thyme

Combine all ingredients in a medium bowl and whisk until smooth. Cover and chill for several hours before using.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Salad Dressing Recipes - Save Money

Looking for ways to save money on your grocery bill? Try making your own salad dressings using food storage ingredients. In addition to saving money, you'll enjoy the convenience, ease of preparation, fresh taste, no added preservatives, all while "rotating" your food storage.

1/2 cup vinegar
1/2 cup salad oil
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup catsup
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon garlic salt
1/2 teaspoon onion salt

Combine all ingredients in quart jar and shake thoroughly. Chill. Shake again before using. Especially good on raw vegetable salad.

1/2 cup sugar
3/4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon paprika
1 teaspoon celery salt
1 teaspoon prepared mustard
1 teaspoon onion juice or onion salt
1/4 cup vinegar or lemon juice or a combination of both
1 cup vegetable oil
1 teaspoon celery seed

1 cup vegetable oil
1/4 cup lemon juice
1/4 cup white vinegar
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon dry mustard
1/2 teaspoon onion salt
1/2 teaspoon paprika
1/2 teaspoon dried oregano leaves
1/8 teaspoon ground thyme leaves
2 cloves garlic, crushed

Shake all ingredients in tightly covered jar; refrigerate at least 2 hours. Shake before serving. 1 1/2 cups dressing.

1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon white pepper
1/2 teaspoon celery salt
1/4 teaspoon cayenne
1/4 teaspoon dry mustard
1/4 cup red wine vinegar (or substitute apple cider vinegar)
1 cup vegetable oil
1 clove garlic, minced
Dash Tabasco sauce

Combine ingredients in jar; cover and shake vigorously. Makes 1 1/4 cups.

4 tablespoons sugar
2 teaspoons salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
4 tablespoons vinegar
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1/4 teaspoon sesame seed oil

Combine all ingredients and mix well. Refrigerate for several hours before serving.

3/4 cup sugar
1 teaspoon dry mustard
1 teaspoon salt
1/3 cup vinegar
1 1/2 teaspoons finely grated onion
1 cup vegetable (not olive) oil
1 1/2 teaspoons poppy seeds

In small mixing bowl combine all ingredients but oil and poppy seeds; mix thoroughly. While beating, add oil, almost drop by drop at first, then increasing to a small stream. When all oil is added and dressing is thick, add poppy seeds; beat one minute more. Delicious on fresh fruit salad or as a dip for pieces of fresh fruit. Makes 2 cups dressing.

(Delicious served over spinach salads.)

1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
1/3 cup sugar
2 teaspoons minced onion
1/4 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
1/4 teaspoon paprika
1/2 cup olive or vegetable oil
2 tablespoons sesame seeds

Place all ingredients except sesame seeds in blender and mix well. Stir in sesame seeds. Keeps in the refrigerator up to 2 weeks.

Got a favorite salad dressing recipe you'd like to share with us? Either leave it as a comment or email me at preparednessnibblesandbits [at] gmail [dot] com. Thanks!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Real Life -- Living It

Because we can learn so much from each other, Monday's posts will be "Real Life -- Living It" featuring a guest post.

If men could learn from history, what lessons it might teach us! wrote Samuel Taylor Coleridge in 1831. 1 While it may sound surprising, a look at Church history can teach us about preparedness for our day." An article written by William G. Hartley entitled "Sturdy Shoes and a Waterproof Tent" includes:
"Lessons from Crossing the Plains -

1. When we ignore preparedness counsel, we can expect unhappy consequences.
2. Protect against nature.
3. Be accident cautious.
4. We should protect ourselves from uncaring or dishonest individuals.
5. Protect against discouragement.
6. Be creative and adaptive in difficult times.

Lessons from the Mormon Battalion's March -

1. During a crisis we may need to leave our family to meet community needs.
2. Water-purifying pills or filters are essential.
3. Writing materials and a camera are helpful resources.
4. Bread and other grain materials are important.

Lessons from the Saluda Disaster -

1. When the Spirit cautions us against something, we need to obey.
2. Up-to-date rosters of people are important, and parents need wills that specify who should have their children.

Lessons from the Pioneer Famine of 1856 -

1. In times of dire food shortages, we should be willing to share our personal food storage with others.
2. During times of famine we might choose to fast more often to provide for the needy.
3. When the course of our normal life is disrupted, it helps to fill free time with constructive activities.

Lessons from the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake and Fire -

1. Have sturdy shoes and durable clothing nearby in case of a sudden nighttime emergency, whether at home or away from home.
2. Have fire extinguishers in our homes.
3. Have emergency water on hand in sturdy, non-glass containers.
4. Have minimal cleaning items, such a moist towelettes, toothpaste, deodorant, face towels, and even small bags of detergent.
5. Have emergency food as we have been taught.
6. It is important to have two or three meeting places where family members can find each other in case disaster strikes and the family is scattered.
7. Be prepared to leave cherished belongings.
8. Ignore wild rumors that spread in panics and don't pass them on.

One Final Lesson -

Along with all of the practical lessons history teaches, one more lesson comes through: maintain good attitudes during troubled times. A sense of humor is like salve on a wound."
To read the article in its' entirety, click here.

(Source: William G. Hartley, “Sturdy Shoes and a Waterproof Tent,” Ensign, Oct 2001, 38)

Friday, July 10, 2009

Food Storage for Diabetics

A few days ago I received an email from a reader looking for information on storing food for diabetics. Here are a few sites that may be of help:

Recipe Source: Diabetic Recipes -
Diabetic Diet Ideas -
Emergency Preparedness: Diabetes Management During a Crisis -

Some suggestions for planning food storage for diabetics:
1. Take a look at diabetic recipes (ones you now use, check online, or diabetic cookbooks from the library).
2. Find ones that sound good to you and have "storage" potential (ones that use ingredients that may be stored.)
3. Give the recipe a try -- see if you like it.
4. Save the recipes you like by printing them on recipe cards or on paper and keep them in a binder. (In an emergency where there is a loss of power, you may not be able to retrieve recipes from your computer.)
5. For each recipe, make a list of necessary ingredients.
6. Itemize ingredients as to whether they may be stored short-term (3-months or less) or long-term (1-year or more).
7. Purchase necessary ingredients. (Don't go into debt to do this. Gradually build your food storage by purchasing an extra can or two each time you shop -- or a little more -- as you can prudently afford. Watch for sales.)
8. Store your supplies. (See "Family Home Storage Pamphlet")
8. Rotate. (Use it up.)
9. Replenish. (Restock your shelves.)
10. Repeat steps one through nine.
11. Adapt your recipe collection as circumstances and tastes change.

Some recipe suggestions:
Almond Granola Bars
Baked Oatmeal
Refried Beans
Rice Pudding
Whole Wheat Buttermilk Pancakes
Whole Wheat Flour Tortillas

Monday, July 6, 2009

Real Life -- Living It

Because we can learn so much from each other, Monday's posts will be "Real Life -- Living It" featuring a guest post.

This week's guest post is from an Ensign magazine article entitled "Focus on Family Finances" by Allie Schulte.
She writes: "Either we control our finances or they control us. Here’s how to get the upper hand."

"Jason and Alanea Hanna faced many financial questions when Jason lost his job. Should they relocate and find another job? Should they try to find a job where they were currently living? After considering several options, they asked the most important question of all: “What would the Lord have us do?”

“We studied talks by prophets and apostles on topics like debt, budgeting, and saving to try and figure out what the Lord wanted us to do,” Alanea explains. “We knew that the Lord’s plan was the best plan and that we would be blessed if we followed it.”

After prayer and contemplation, Jason and Alanea both decided to return to college and finish their bachelor’s degrees. They took out minimal student loans to pay for their education, and both worked full-time to provide for their other expenses. They coordinated their work schedules to ensure that one of them was home with their children. They budgeted carefully, spending their money on the essentials and eliminating fast food, cable TV, and new clothes. Jason even rode his bike to school and work to limit the costs of gasoline and car insurance.

Now Jason works as an engineer. Alanea also completed her degree and is currently fulfilling her responsibilities as a full-time mother of five children. They still live within their means, budget carefully, pay tithing, and live according to the financial counsel of Church leaders. “We’re grateful for the trial and the experience,” Alanea says. “It ended up being a great blessing in our lives and taught us that the Lord will always bless us if we are obedient.”

Read the entire article here.

(Source: Allie Schulte, “Focus on Family Finances,” Ensign, Jun 2009, 28–33)

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Independence Day America!

I've been reading a book entitled "The Quotable George Washington" and came upon this quote:
"We should never despair; our situation before has been unpromising and has changed for the better; so, I trust, it will again." (To Philip Schuyler, Smith's Clove, July 15, 1777)
George Washington put his faith in God and many miracles occurred. Heavenly Father is in charge and if we put our trust in Him, we can make it through anything that comes our way. It's true. :)

Friday, June 26, 2009

Broccoli Firsts


There's a first for everything, right?! Well, here's the first harvest of the first planting of broccoli for us. (Never tried growing it before.)

We transplanted four plants from a nursery on April 24th and now two months later we're enjoying the fruits of our labors. The other two plants are a little further behind these two. That will be nice because a person can only eat so much broccoli at a time.

I wasn't sure how to grow broccoli so I checked out Under their "How to Grow Broccoli" section I found everything I needed to know from planting to harvesting. I've enjoyed having this resource for growing other fruits and vegetables as well.

I love this time of year!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Food Storage...on the Path to Preparedness

Debbie Kent has prepared a 14-page handout entitled "Food Storage...on the Path to Preparedness" that I came across the other day on She's organized some great information in an easy-to-read format with lots of pictures. Here are some of the topics she addresses:
  • Why Should You be Prepared?
  • Warnings and Where they can be Found
  • The NEW Food Storage Plan
  • 90 Days the Easy Way -- Think SOS
  • Filling 55-Gallon Barrels
  • Rotating
  • Water Ideas and Rotating Systems
  • Financial Reserve
  • Long Term Food Storage/One Person/One Year (in addition to your 90 day supply)
  • Why Store These?
  • I Have a Year Supply...That's All I Need
  • What Will This Provide Per Day?
  • MENU Using Basic Year Supply
  • Survival Mode
  • Menu Planning
  • Using Your Year Supply
  • Storing Your Food Storage
  • Inventorying
  • How Can I Afford Food Storage?
  • How Do I Find all the Food I Need?
  • What Are You Going to do With This Info.?
  • 6 Steps to Success
  • Going the Extra Mile
  • Why Do We Prepare
  • The Path to Preparedness
  • Will You Be Ready?
  • Top 10 Reasons Why I Don't Have My Food Storage
  • A Year's Supply for $58.81?
  • OTHER BASICS and "Fun Stuff"
  • Menu Suggestions

Monday, June 22, 2009

Real Life -- Living It

Because we can learn so much from each other, Monday's posts will be "Real Life -- Living It" featuring a guest post.

This week's guest post is from an Ensign magazine article entitled "One Can at a Time" by Mary L. Wilson.
She shares how she overcame her fears of "being trampled by the enormity of the food-storage elephant."
"It would take an elephant to feed my family for a year, I thought as I tried to make a plan for our food storage. And how could I afford it or store it all? Just then an old saying about elephants popped into my mind: “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.” The question for me was, “How do you store an elephant?” The answer was—one can at a time!

The Church has provided many areas with a wonderful resource: the dry pack cannery. If there is one nearby, we can sign up to pack various products at reasonable prices. Dry packing in number 10 cans is a convenient and safe way to store the basic foods needed for long-term storage. Our “elephant” could fit nicely in our storage room. The next question was, how could we afford it? Our family came up with the following ideas for financing our food storage:

1. Save all the change that comes home. It is amazing how much money five people can contribute in just a week. With only $1 per week per person, we could dry pack one can of potato pearls, or three cans of flour, or one can of delicious apple slices.

2. Use the money from our tax return for quantity purchases. A case of six cans of basic items of milk, flour, sugar, and wheat was affordable and helped us be much more prepared. When we added pasta and beans, we felt that in an emergency we could actually create family meals for a month.

3. Buy one extra item when at the store. Oils, salt, and spices are necessary for a complete storage plan. The cost of one item was seldom noticed in our grocery bill, but our storage room benefited greatly.

An article in the Ensign about debt reduction states, “Your most important savings is food storage” (Jack M. Lyon, “ ‘How Many Loaves Have Ye?’ ” Ensign, Dec. 1989, 41). We have tried to balance this with monetary savings. Each time we purchase an item on sale for food storage, we try to save the extra amount we would normally have spent and add it to our food storage fund.

Our food storage is growing day by day, can by can, case by case. We are better prepared and no longer afraid of being trampled by the enormity of the food-storage elephant." —Mary L. Wilson
(Source: Mary L. Wilson, “One Can at a Time,” Ensign, Aug. 2001, 68)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

THANK YOU Liesa Card!!!

If you were unable to attend last night's Enrichment night, you missed out on a wonderful evening. Guest speaker Liesa Card, author of "I Dare You to Eat It", shared her wisdom and wit with those able to attend. What a talented woman!

THANK YOU to these cute ladies - Melanie, Britney, Julie, and Darlene, and Janet - for beginning the evening with "The Family Preparedness Song."

And a big THANK YOU for all the time and amazing efforts of dear Donna and Janice and their committee for all the planning and preparation to make the evening so enjoyable! THANK YOU to those who brought food and to all who attended! I feel each of us came away better informed and inspired to do something(s) about building and using our food storage.

I've been motivated to plan 30-days of meals my family will eat using basic food storage and store the printed recipes in plastic sheets in a binder. That's not all, but it's what I'm going to begin with.

I highly recommend her book "I Dare You to Eat It"! In it she shares a simplified approach to the whole food storage concept and makes it more manageable for everyone. Along with her helpful ideas are quotes from wise leaders, personal stories, delicious recipes, and her heartfelt testimony.

THANK YOU for sharing your time, wisdom, and testimony Liesa!!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tonight's the Night...Please Join Us


Come share an evening
with our guest speaker
Liesa Card
(Author of the book "I Dare You to Eat It")
as she presents a manageable method
for food storage that can be used
during a time of need
but that can also help to
Instead of buying, storing, and then tossing it,
you can create a storage of food that
makes your life easier
by integrating it into regular meals.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
6:30 pm
Murray, Utah

Bring your family, friends, and neighbors.
Light refreshments served.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Real Life--Living It

Because we can learn so much from each other, Monday's posts will be "Real Life -- Living It" featuring a guest post.

This week's guest post is by Sara from The Pantry Panel. Sara posted a talk she gave in her LDS ward on June 14, 2009 entitled "A Provident Living Talk". I love how she shares personal experiences and the blessings she's received from following inspired counsel.
(Thanks for your permission to share this post Sara! You are INSPIRING!)

A provident living talk

Given by me in my LDS ward today.


"At long last, frugality is becoming cool! According to last week’s Washington Post, people are no longer trying to keep up with the Joneses. “Instead of feeling conscious about spending less, people are flaunting their frugality.” Of course, in the church, provident living is not some new trend.

What is provident living? Provident means carefully preparing for the future. Elder Robert D. Hales said in last conference, “To provide providently, we must practice the principles of provident living: joyfully living within our means, being content with what we have, avoiding excessive debt, and diligently saving and preparing for rainy-day emergencies. When we live providently, we can provide for ourselves and our families and also follow the Savior’s example to serve and bless others.”

The church puts out “Family Finances” pamphlet that summarizes advice about Provident Living: (1) Pay tithes and offerings, (2) Avoid debt, (3) Use a budget, (4) Gradually build a reserve, and (5) Teach your children.

Pay tithes and offerings. President Hinckley called tithing “the Lord’s law of finance.” When we put the Lord first financially by paying tithing, God is able to keep his promises, and open the windows of heaven to bless us. I know that God blesses us when we keep his commandments, especially when it is difficult.

Avoid debt. Our society has had to relearn this lesson recently, haven’t we? Our country’s recent financial problems have mostly been caused by excessive debt. Every generation or so we forget, and we have to learn this all over again.

Even young children can understand why debt is harmful. Sometimes my kids see the pay-day loan stores, with names like “The Cash Store.” They ask me, “Mom, can you buy cash at the store?” I say, “Yes! They say, ‘We’ll give you $10 today, but you have to pay us $20 next week.’” The kids laughed and laughed, and asked, “Why would anyone ever do that?” I did exaggerate the amount of interest slightly to teach the principle, but this is the truth about debt and interest. You always have to repay more than you borrow, and you can never be sure that you will have the money to repay in the future.

Some in recent years have tried to make debt look sophisticated. But no amount of sophistication can deny those simple truths about debt and interest. Speculative thinking is nothing new. In 1986, Elder James E. Faust said, “There are some investment counselors who urge speculative credit practices described as ‘leverage,’ ‘credit wealth,’ and ‘borrow yourself rich.’ Such practices may work successfully for some, but at best they succeed only for a time. An economic reversal always seems to come, and many who have followed such practices find themselves in financial ruin and their lives in shambles.” History repeated itself yet again.

It’s especially important to avoid consumer debt. Credit cards can be handy. But if you can’t pay off the balance every month, get rid of them. Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin counseled in April 2004, “Those who use credit cards to overspend unwisely should consider eliminating them. It is much better that a plastic credit card should perish than a family dwindle and perish in debt.”

Elder Hales said, “Of course some debt incurred for education, a modest home, or a basic automobile may be necessary to provide for a family.” However, even in these cases, debt should only be incurred carefully and prayerfully, and minimally.

Education: Student loans are often thought of as “good debt.” Interest rates have been low in recent years, and education usually leads to increased income that can be used to pay off the loan. But I know of many people whose student loans have caused them a lot of trouble. The loans have to be repaid even if the degree is not finished, or if job opportunities are not what you thought they would be, or if the degree is in a low-paying field, or if the student wants to become a stay-at-home mom. Student loans are not bankruptable, so even in a worst case scenario those debts are with you forever until they are repaid. So make these decisions prayerfully, and get your education without debt if possible.

Car: a “basic automobile” is not a new one. New cars are much more expensive than used cars. New car loans are often structured so that you owe more on the car than it is worth, making the car impossible to sell without spending thousands of dollars. Reliable used cars can be found with careful research and shopping. Teenagers can save up for old cars and pay for them with cash, which is what my husband and his brother did when they were teenagers. That car was often broken, but they were motivated to keep the car running, and they learned how to repair and maintain a car. These skills have blessed our family and saved our family a lot of money.

House: Debt is usually necessary to buy a home now, but in recent years excessive debt has been promoted. It used to be that banks required a 20% down payment on a house, and monthly payments had to be no more than 28% of your income. Buy a “modest home,” as President Hinckley counseled. If you follow these rules, you will have some measure of safety even in a declining real estate market. Avoid home equity loans, and seek to pay off your mortgage as quickly as you can. President Hinckley told the story of President Faust paying off his 4% mortgage, even though people thought it was foolish to pay off a loan with such a low interest rate. But he understood that being debt free brings freedom.

Use a budget. A budget is a great place to start to get control of your finances. When you write down where your money goes and make a plan, it’s easier to see the waste that you can cut out to reach your goals. The mystery of where the money goes is solved, and you are empowered to improve.

Elder Hales counseled us
to “joyfully live within your means.” How can we do this? Often we think of budgeting or cutting back expenses as a matter of deprivation. But it helps for us to have the right attitude. Don’t compare your financial situation to affluent lifestyles portrayed in the media. My husband and I once attended a Parade of Homes home show. We enjoyed looking at the many lovely features in the fancy homes, but when we came home, we found ourselves less satisfied with our own simple home.

Instead, compare yourselves to your grandparents when they were your age. We have a great deal to be grateful for. Of course our grandparents didn't have cell phones or cable TV. But they also did without things that we see as necessities, such as air conditioning and dryers. Families had one car each. My grandparents raised 8 children in a 1200 square foot home. That isn't done anymore, but back in the 1960s it was relatively common.

Getting by on a very small budget can become a game. My grandmother was a divorced mother of 3 young children in the 1960s. Money was extremely tight, and often my grandmother went hungry because there was not enough food for everyone. Yet my mother thought of it as a fun challenge to show how clever they were. Their natural gas was turned off the summer after their dad left, and their stove was gas, leaving them without a way to cook. Granny figured out how to cook meals in the electric coffee pot (they were not Mormon at the time), and the children thought their Mom was so clever to figure that out. In our families, we can seek to have the same attitude, even in desperate circumstances.

Sometimes we think of frugal ways of life as “poor,” and extravagance as “rich.” But wealth is accumulating money. If you spend your money on disposable purchases, you don’t have the money anymore. Many rich people are frugal; that’s how they got the money. My husband’s grandparents are enjoying a comfortable retirement after a lifetime of frugality. Even though they don't have to be frugal anymore, they still only eat oatmeal, cracked wheat, or cornmeal mush for breakfast. All of the money they saved on simple breakfasts and in other countless ways over the years added up. Let your children know that those who spend more money than you are not necessarily richer. Without talking about any specific family’s finances, let them know that debt sometimes makes it appear that others are more prosperous than they really are.

It helps to think about what deprivation means to you. Is it deprivation to eat simple foods, wear yard sale clothes, or drive an old car? Or is it deprivation to not be able to afford to have another child, or have mother in the home, or to be unable to sleep well because of excessive debt?

Gradually build a reserve. Save money for a rainy day. 10% is a good figure to shoot for, and increase that if circumstances allow. The money can be automatically withdrawn from your accounts so it can be done without thinking about it.

Also, remember a reserve is more than just money in the bank. Food storage is part of a “reserve” as well.

Plan for the future, and have goals. Often young couples get used to spending two incomes, not planning what they will do when children come. When we were a young married couple, it was our goal for me to stay at home with the children when they came along. We made our decisions on that basis. It was fun to see how little we could live on! We avoided debt, lived in cheap apartments, and avoided turning on the air conditioning and heat. I worked, and during my time off I learned frugal skills such as bread baking and cooking from scratch. We shopped carefully, stocking up on food when it was on sale, eventually building up a good supply of food storage. We drove a junker car. My husband fixed anything that broke. Because of our choices, we were able to reach our goal.

Teach your children. So many young adults are unprepared for adulthood. We may have provident living skills, but the next generation needs to learn them or else those skills will be lost. How can we teach them to live providently?

Don’t do too much for them. I recently watched a news segment called Unspoil your kids.” Even if you have means, make them work for what they want. Have them provide for their own car, buy their own clothes, save for their own missions or education. This can start at a young age. When our kids whined in the store for candy, we asked them, “Where is your money?” They didn’t have any, and a fight was avoided. We wanted them to never get the idea that it’s the parent’s job to provide for more than the basics. Children are naturally much more frugal with their own money than with your money.

Teach them how the household budget works. When I was a kid, I saw my dad’s paycheck. I selfishly imagined all the things I could do with that money, because I didn’t understand what family obligations that money paid for. We taught our children how the budget works in a family night, using an idea from this book. We represented our household income with Monopoly money, and asked our children what they wanted to do with it. Then we showed them where the money has to go, and how little discretionary money we actually had. After we did this, our children have desired to do what they can to help us save money.

Do self-reliant things as a family. Teach your children to cook. Even young children can learn to make sandwiches, or prepare oatmeal. My mom taught me, “If you can read, you can cook.” We have created a family cookbook so my children can have the confidence to make our family’s favorite recipes. Do family work projects together. Last month, our family worked together to insulate the attic. We all did our part, and the work got done. More importantly, our children can look back on experiences like that when they are adults and gain the confidence to do needed repairs themselves instead of hiring others. Grow a garden and preserve the surplus together as a family. Include your children when making repairs.

Provide the child with opportunities to work for money. Sometimes families give allowances to help children learn to manage money, but in my opinion, the most important lesson to learn about money is that you exchange work for money. Work together as a family. My husband’s parents ran a newspaper distribution office when he was growing up, and as a family they would assemble the newspapers before they were delivered. Because of experiences like this, my husband and his siblings all grew up to be hard workers.

Talk to your children about money. Help them to understand how interest works, and why debt is bondage. Often people are quiet about their financial problems, so children grow up only seeing the fun side of overspending, and never see the full consequences. My kids sometimes overhear the Dave Ramsey show, a national radio show that helps people get out of debt. The show has given my children a good education about why debt should be avoided, by hearing the consequences of others who have gotten into debt. Explain to your children, in a way that they can understand, why it is smart to be frugal.

I testify that Heavenly Father has blessed us greatly, and he wants us to use our earthly resources to provide for our families, plan for the future, and bless others. I know that when we make wise choices with our money, we are blessed with peace."
(Source: Sara, The Pantry Panel blog, June 14, 2009 post)