Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Fun With Your Food Storage

It's cold and rainy here today -- not exactly the best day to be outside -- but a great day to "stay indoors and have a lot of fun." Reminds me of a book we've read with our children years ago.

"On rainy days we stay indoors;
and have a lot of fun.
But there is so much work to do --
when rainy days are done."
--Richard Scarry

Awhile ago, I came across a handmade booklet entitled "Recipes for Fun" at a thrift store packed with some great recipes for children (young and old alike.) A number of the recipes use food storage items! Here are some of the recipes from the book:

1 comment:

  1. These sound so fun--Grandmas could have so much fun doing these with their grandbabies
