Every home storage program should contain seeds for sprouting. A family could maintain excellent health during a time of emergency by combining these basic storage items with sprouts. Nearly all whole grains are sprout-able. Remember the seeds must be fresh (not old or damaged) seeds.
If fresh vegetables are not available for a prolonged period of time, sprouting could mean the difference between health and illness. Sprouting makes grains become more digestible and the change on our bodies is not so drastic.
Sprouting cereal grains not only exhibit intense enzymatic activity, but also attain what is probably the highest protein content in their life cycle. Wheat has very little vitamin C until it is sprouted and then it is known to increase up to 600%. They are also higher in all the B vitamins than the original seeds.
1. Grains and seeds are compact, 20 lbs. yield 400 lbs. of food.
2. Inexpensive.
3. Takes only 2 to 6 days from planting to harvesting.
*Seeds sprouting in 2 days
Rye use 2 cups per quart
Wheat use 2 cups per quart
Beans use 2 cups per quart
Rice use 2 cups per quart
Oats use 2 cups per quart
*Seeds Sprouting in 3 to 5 days
Alfalfa use 1 Tablespoon per quart
Lentils use 2 Tablespoons per quart
Mung Beans use 2 Tablespoons per quart
Clover use 2 Tablespoons per quart
Lettuce use 2 Tablespoons per quart
Radish use 2 Tablespoons per quart
*Others to consider
There are two basic types of sprouts. Tiny ones to be eaten when they form green leaves, such as alfalfa, garden cress, chia, mustard and radish. There are larger ones to be eaten before the leaves open or turn green such as, lentils, fenugreek, mung beans, wheat, and rye.
1. Select healthy unbroken seeds. Soak overnight (1/2 cup beans to 2 cups water or 1 Tablespoon alfalfa). Quart jars make excellent sprouting containers. Make sure seeds are covered with water.
2. After soaking, drain the seeds well. Jar opening should be covered with a cheese cloth or nylon secured with rubber band. If using flat tray, pour seeds into tray and make sure they drain well. Sprouts do not like wet feet.
3. Rinse the seeds at least three or four times daily with lukewarm water, making sure to drain well after each rinsing.
4. When sprouts are proper length store in the refrigerator in plastic bag. They become rich in chlorophyll if place in the sun a few days before serving.
1. Wheat sprout is the length of the seed.
2. Bean sprouts are 1.5 to 3 inches long.
3. Alfalfa sprout is 1 to 2 inches long.
4. Lentil sprout is 1 inch long.
5. Soybean or pea sprout is 2 inches long.
6. Mung beans are the sweetest after about 24 hours.
1. Do not leave seeds in water over 20 hours or under 10 hours.
2. Do not let seeds set in water while sprouting. they will sour. Be sure after each rinse to drain well.
3. If possible do not use chemically treated water. Pure water is best.
4. Do not use Hot or Cold water for soaking or rinsing. Keep water between 50 to 80 degrees.
5. Do not keep growing beyond their peak, or you have tough plans instead of tender sprouts.
6. Do not let seeds dry out. Water morning, noon, evening, and night.
7. Do not buy cheap or old, hard seeds. They take a longer soaking time and may not sprout at all.
8. Do not buy treated seeds. Make sure you ask for untreated seeds. Make sure alfalfa has gone through a scuffer mill to insure better sprouting. Unscuffed seeds are glossy and waxy looking. Scuffed seeds are dull. Scuffing scratches the wax coating so water can penetrate and bring the seed to life.
(Source: West Jordan Oquirrh Stake "Basically Speaking" Cookbook)
7 Day Challenge Day 7: Meals-in-a-Jar
5 months ago
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